These ABC (ITV) serials from the early sixties are of limited interest, except to indicate how Doctor Who might have turned out if it hadn't been for Verity Lambert. Sydney Newman produces and Malcolm Hulke co-writes. They're all pretty tedious and horribly padded with the same scenes played out over and over again ("We've got to get back to MR2/3/4", Would you like some milk, Hamlet", Hamlet being a guinea pig, and people are always radioing each other to tell them things we already know) and there are annoying children who cause trouble and put everyone's lives at risk. Mars and Venus are slight improvements, in that the most annoying child is dropped and there's a villain of sort in the form of George Coulouris. Venus even stretches to some cavemen and there's stock footage of stop-motion dinosaurs in one episode. It gives you an idea of how little actually happens that one of the better episodes, "The Creature", gives less screen time to the titular caveman than it does to the boom mike. Not even The Sensorites is this tedious.
One further point of interest from a Doctor Who perspective is that Coulouris plays an untrustworthy character who wants to stop the exploitation of Venus. This chimes a little with the early idea to have "Doctor Who" being a character who hates and wants to prevent progress.