Pass The Marmalade now has a forum! A la the British Horror Films message board, you'll find sections for each era of British fright cinema (we've even got a 2020s forum! Be prepared), as well as an AOB subforum, and places where you can post about TV/Netflix/streaming/YouTube etc, books and mags, and so on. The forum is in a rudimentary form at present but I hope you find it easy to get here and to make regular use of.
I'm sure many of you from the British Horror Films community will surface here and that some of you might even continue with the same username! And let's hope we get a few newcomers along too.
Any tech problems or any suggestions for site improvements, let me know. I can't promise that they'll be dealt with immediately (or at all, frankly), but it might make you feel better whinging about any issues.
Do bear with me, as I'm in the process of updating the main Marmalade pages (take a look at those while you're here, won't you? And our blog too), and will be fine-tuning the forum too.
And I hope you like the 'Forum Beyond The Grave' banner! Took me all morning to design that...
Anyway, in the word of Bela Lugosi - vellcom
Good work Chris. I am filling myself with hope.