To avoid any confusion about this particular part of the board:
It's intended to replace the old TV forum at the BHF site. So primarily you should be posting about television shows here. However, we live in the future now, so you can also post about watching stuff on your phone, tablet, Netflix, YouTube - or when they get around to beaming visuals directly into a pair of fancy specs or something a centimetre in front of your eyes, those.
"But administrator, CMM has posted about films here!"
I know. That's allowed. You can post about anything anywhere on the board, if you want this place to look as disorderly as the real world out there. And CMM was at least discussing the BBC2 horror double bills and the 'rewatch' that some of you have been involved in, recreating those nights 40 years on. So that's 'telly' as far as I'm concerned.
We have about a dozen film forums on the board, though. Use them. If you watch a British horror film from the 1970s, talk about it in 'The Films: 1970s', not here. Even if you've watched it on telly.
But if you've watched the new Gatiss 'Dracula' show, or you want to discuss an old episode of 'Doctor Who', or if there's some exciting new series coming up on Netflix, that's the sort of stuff we really want here.