The Zombie King (2013), another rare British incursion into the Voodoo subgenre. This supposed horror-comedy is a rather anaemic affair that fails to be either particularly funny or particularly scary. With its episodic structure and reiterative flashbacks, it never builds an adequate head of dramatic or comic steam (not helped by some substandard, choppy editing) and just meanders to a forgettable and, quite honestly, pointless ‘twist ending’. It reiterates certain points of voodoo lore, including the role of the boko, the taking of seven souls, the protective propeties of salt against zombies, etc (unfortunately given piecemeal through a disjointed lecture from a drunken priest) and some brief drummin’n’dancin business. The basic premise of a man who tries to bring his wife back from the dead being the inadvertent cause of a widespread zombie rising had a comedy potential which is totally wasted.
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